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Sand Sketches (2012)


2.2(II=Cor.A).2.2(II=Cfg.) (3 perc*) harp**. strings

*Percussion 1: Rain Stick, "Sizzle" Bass Drum (prepared with at least 10 coins of different sizes), Tam-tam (soft mallets), Vibraphone (mallets and bow), Crotales (brass mallets and bow), Sizzle Cymbal (mallets and bow)

Percussion 2: Suspended Cymbal (wire brushes and finger cymbal), Tam-Tam (wire brush), Rain Stick, Sizzle Cymbal (mallets and bow), Crotales (bow), Vibraphone (mallets)

Percussion 3: Sand Blocks, Marimba (lowest Db prepared with paper clip)

**Harp: prepared with strip of paper and tuning fork

Duration: 6'

This work was written for the Composer/Conductor Workshop of the 2012 Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, Santa Cruz.

The workshop was led by conductors Marin Alsop and Gustav Meier. Three conductors premiered the work back to back. They were Juga Cohler, Ankush Bahl and Matthew Brown.

I – quasi-vento

II – Dream-like

III – Suave, with vigor

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